I've been running a studio for many years. I would like to share a little bit about how the music is created.
A good day is too walk to the studio. I have about 30 minutes walk. The first 10 minutes I pass a golf yard and just think about life as it was this morning.
The next ten minutes I walk at an ancient road 'Kongeveien' (the Kings Road) and my head starts to get empty. The last ten minutes I walk through the forest. And there something magical happens... It might be because of the walking (rhythm), it might be the stillness or it might be the ancient forest... But anyway it's usually a melody coming.
When I get to the studio I start recording it at the grand piano. I usually have to sing it in and then try to lay it out on the piano. The song 'Jaben' is a good example of such a composition.
I regularly have some time before a singer or actor/voice artist arrives, so I can improvise the songs at the beautiful grand piano and make a mix for two hours.
After filling up my head and harddrive with many piano ideas and songs, I was wondering what to do with them. And that, I'll get back to in the next blogg article.
Have a great day!
For more music : http://schow.org/music
PS! Don't forget to sign up for the Spotify playlist with all the new songs from the upcoming album: https://open.spotify.com/user/vegardtopp/playlist/2jOA0w4MpjyLXA1chWHFYI?si=z2YqziUSQ9W3VGOPQWb02g
And this one with a lot of piano inspirations: https://open.spotify.com/user/vegardtopp/playlist/4eO0U02q3KKCyhcT392liY?si=C_OWrZqyT5-dpxbtVurRyw